And thats why I will continue to push to close Gitmo, because American values and legal traditions do not permit the indefinite detention of people beyond our borders. 这是我坚持推进关闭关塔那摩监狱的原因,美国价值观与法律传统不容许在美国境外无限期关押人员。
Citizens who are kept in custody for investigations, legal proceedings or trials, or who are serving sentences or are under criminal detention or surveillance may not be enlisted. 被羁押正在受侦查、诉、判或者被判处徒刑、役、制正在服刑的公民,不征集。
There are specific legal provisions concerning the rights a criminal must enjoy during the entire process from initial detention to release after serving the sentence. 从罪犯收押,到刑满释放整个过程,对罪犯应享有的权利,都有具体的法律规定。
When, as assistant attorney-general in the office of legal counsel, he presented to the court the Nixon administration's enthusiastic views on wiretapping, police immunity and pre-trial detention, he shared them all. 当其成为合法律师所总管律师的助手时,他将尼克松法律部门的热衷于窃听、政治豁免权和预审监禁呈现给法庭;而这些,亦是他所认同的。
Two problems are found obviously in the legal punishment of Malpractice: the sorts of criminal punishment are too simple and only cover specified sentence and detention; 医疗事故罪的法定刑配置突出地存在以下两个问题:1、对医疗事故罪适用的刑罚种类只有有期徒刑和拘役两种,显得过于单薄。
Legal Issues of Damage for Detention 试论延滞损失的几个法律问题
This Thesis aims to discuss and study on the related legal issues of demurrage and damage for detention, and base on which advice and suggestion will be given to the Ship Owners about how to protect their own interest of demurrage and damage for detention. 而本文主要去研究和论述滞期费和延滞损失的若干相关法律问题,并在此基础上总结船东该如何在实务和法律上维护自己的滞期费和延滞损失的权益。
Its legal factors lie in: there are disadvantages existing in legal regulations for detention, and it is lack of supervision mechanism for the right of detention. 其法律成因是:拘留措施法律规范自身存在的不足;拘留权缺乏监督制约机制。
The detention center is our country legal places of pretrial detention. It is an important part of criminal proceedings. 看守所是我国法定的未决羁押场所,羁押是刑事诉讼的重要环节。
Accordingly, many countries in the legal custody pending suitable conditions, deadlines, procedures and so make a clearly defined, generally establish pending judicial review of detention. 鉴此,很多国家在法律上对未决羁押的适用条件、期限、程序等做出明确规定,普遍建立起对未决羁押的司法审查制度。
According to legal provisions, procuratorial organs supervise the regulatory activities of detention through the procuratorial department of detention, meanwhile protect the lawful rights of prisoners within. 依照法律规定,检察机关通过看守所检察部门监督看守所的监管活动,同时保障看守所内在押人员的合法权益。
The research object is that the legal effect of "detention" contract terms which often appears in the affiliated operations management contract. 本文的研究对象是道路运营中经常出现的挂靠经营合同中的扣押合同条款的法律效力问题。
Prisoners who violated legal procedures, if the act is held by the statutory authority to make, The detainees and has complied with the arrest, detention conditions, but the implementation has been the lack of procedures for detention, the crime can be subject to escape. 违反法定程序关押的人,如果该关押行为是由法定机关做出,而被关押人又符合逮捕、拘留的条件,只是实施关押的程序有所欠缺,可以成为脱逃罪的主体。